Tag: bank loans
Questions from Real Estate Investors
10 Ways to Get FOOLED in Real Estate
Top 10 Steps to Becoming a Real Estate Investor
Two BIG BENEFITS of Having Private Lenders
I started investing in Real Estate by using bank loans, savings, credit cards, Business Lines of Credit, Home Equity Lines of Credit, my self-directed IRA, creative techniques with sellers (like owner financing and subject to), and equity partners. Once I got laid off, it was harder to get bank loans but that was back in…
FUNDing: Answers to Your Questions on Private Lending
4 F’s FIND Private Money to FUND Your Deals
Why you need to use Private Lenders
When I started in Real Estate, I only knew about getting loans from banks. That is because I was doing it part time and buying places like the ones I lived in. I was not fixing too much, just finding good deals. During those years, I was a part time investor while I pursued my career.…
Second of the 4 F’s in Real Estate: FUND the Deals
5 Keys to Unlock Your Real Estate Investor Matrix
RealEstateInvestorMatrix Hi everyone and welcome to our real estate investor hangouts. Tonight I’m going to be talking about the five keys to unlocking you real estate investor matrix, so thank you for coming to the call and this will be happening every Thursday night at six o’clock pacific time and nine o’clock Eastern Time. So…